Title IX Pregnancy Modifications Policy

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Policy Statement

newbb电子(“学院”)致力于为所有学生和员工提供追求和实现个人目标的机会,因为这与学校的招生有关, employment, and educational programs or activities. 这一承诺包括学校的学生和怀孕的员工, parenting, or experiencing pregnancy related conditions. 学校禁止根据学生或员工的当前情况对学生和员工进行差别待遇或歧视, potential, or past parental, family, marital status, or pregnancy or related condition.


“Pregnancy or related conditions” means:

  • 妊娠、分娩、终止妊娠或哺乳;
  • Medical conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation; or
  • Recovery from pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, lactation, or related medical conditions.

“Parental Status” means a person who is a biological parent; adoptive parent; stepparent; foster parent; legal custodian or guardian; in loco parentis with respect to a person; or a person who is actively seeking custody, guardianship, visitation, or adoption of a person.

Student Pregnancy Disclosure

A student who is, or becomes, 强烈建议怀孕或有相关疾病的学生尽快通知第九条协调员. By doing so, 学生和第九条协调员可以根据学校课程和要求的独特性,合作并制定适当的计划,以继续学生的教育, 以及学生在怀孕或经历怀孕相关情况时可能面临的特殊挑战.

如果学校员工被学生或有合法权利代表学生行事的人告知学生怀孕或相关情况, 员工必须向学生或学生代表提供第九条协调员的联系信息,以获得进一步的帮助, 除非员工有理由相信第九条协调员已经得到通知.


Carol Matos
A-427 Andersen Hall
136 Claremont Ave
New York, NY 10027
(917) 493-4450


该员工还将通知学生或学生代表,第九条协调员可以协调具体行动,以防止性别歧视,并确保学生平等参加学校的教育项目或活动. However, 学生宣布怀孕是自愿的, 学生和员工不需要向学校披露这些信息.

在学生或学生代表通知学生怀孕或相关情况后, the Title IX Coordinator will do the following:

  • 告知学生学校禁止性别歧视的规定, including sex-based harassment.
  • 由于学生怀孕或相关情况,为学生提供合理修改的选择.
  • 允许学生自愿参加学校教育项目或活动的任何单独的和可比的部分.
  • 允许学生因健康原因自愿请假,并允许学生休假归来后复职.
  • Provide the student with a private, 清洁的哺乳空间,这是一个空间,而不是一个浴室,是屏蔽的视野,不受他人的侵扰.

学院不会要求学生提交上述项目的证明文件, 除非文件是必要的和合理的,以便学院决定进行合理的修改, or whether to take additional, specific actions. 不需要支持文档的情况可能包括, but are not limited to, 当学生对特定行为的需求很明显时, such as when a student who is pregnant needs a bigger uniform; when the student has previously provided the School with sufficient supporting documentation; when the reasonable modification at issue is allowing a student to carry or keep water nearby and drink, use a bigger desk, sit or stand, or take breaks to eat, drink, or use the restroom; when the student has lactation needs; or when the requested action is available to other students for reasons other than pregnancy or related conditions and such students are not required to submit supporting documentation.

Additionally, 学校不会要求怀孕或有相关疾病的学生提供医疗保健提供者或任何其他人的证明,证明学生身体上能够参加学校的课程, program, or extracurricular activity unless:

  • 学生参加本课程必须具备经认证的身体能力或健康水平, program, or extracurricular activity;
  • 学校要求所有参加课程的学生都有这样的证明, program, or extracurricular activity; and
  • 所获得的信息不得用作歧视的依据.

Read full policy —
Title IX Pregnancy Modifications Policy:

MSM Title IX Coordinator

Carol Matos is MSM’s Title IX Coordinator. 她还担任MSM的行政和人际关系副总裁.

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Director of HR Operations

Jessica Ferrell

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